MKBK Club Membership
Membership comes in three flavors, so please take a minute to review which membership package and options suits you.
1. Registered Member – full membership which includes all the Branch has to offer;
- Access to our branches summer & winter meetings, inc. the monthly Branch Newsletter
- BBKA News and Bee Craft Magazines – 12 month subscription (Feb to Jan)
- BBKA 3rd Party Liability Insurance
- Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) for three hives
- Partners are requested to join as friends.
2. Junior Member – Junior membership is free but has all the benefits of full membership as above.
- You must be under the age of 18 as at the 1st Oct.
3. Friend Member – A membership for non-beekeepers, supporters of our branch or members of other branches who wish to be included in branch activities.
- Access to branch summer & winter meetings, inc. the monthly Branch Newsletter
- Optional BBKA News and Bee Craft Magazines – 12 month subscription (Feb to Jan)
- Optional BBKA insurance when residing with a Registered Member
Membership Options;
- BDI is included for up to 3 hives but you can opt for insurance for extra hives. When insuring you must take into account your potential increase because if the number of hives exceed the premium paid, your insurance is void, and no cover will apply.
- Electronic Bee Craft – if you don’t need a printed copy by post select this option and Bee Craft will be available via the Bee Craft website only, saving you £5.00.
- Gift Aid – is a compulsory selection, every bit helps so if you are eligible, please opt in.
- Release of details – we will never sell your data! Unless you opt out we will pass on your name and address details;
- to “BeeBase” the Defra website which monitors and alerts disease outbreaks in your area and maintains the excellent bee inspector program.
- to the branch membership i.e. putting members in touch with each other (with prior consent of course).
- The committee would recommend you do not opt out.
How to join or renew your membership:
Fill in the membership form below and choose a payment option.
Payment by BACs
- You can pay online by transferring your payment from your bank to the MKBK account. This is our preferred option. The account is in the name of KBKA Mid Kent Branch and it is a business account.
By Post or Cheque
- If you’d rather fill out a membership form and post it with a cheque, the details can be found on the form (here).
If you have any difficulties please email Marj Underwood, Membership Secretary MKBK –